Choosing The Right Spray Foam Insulation

insulation ottawa

Here are the most important things you need to know when choosing the right spray foam insulation for your building.

Tip #1. Consider all insulation options available and select the insulation that best suits your needs. Review what each insulation product offers. Consider R-Value and air sealing properties, long term performance and energy efficiency.

Icynene spray foam insulation provides long-term R-Value and air-sealing to help save as much as 50% off heating and cooling bills every month.

Tip #2. Use review sites to research contractors.

Tip #3. Beware of ‘too good to be true’ quotes.

Icynene spray foam is not a DIY product and requires a certified professional to apply. Icynene spray foam is a premium product that provides a return on investment typically within three-four years.

Tip #4. If you chose spray foam, make sure you stay out of your home for at least 24 hours.

Vacating ensures that no one will be exposed to the foam insulation before it has fully cured. Once Icynene spray foam is cured (always within the 24-hour period immediately after spraying is complete), the house or building is sage for re-occupancy.

Tip #5. Check Installer’s credentials to ensure they are certified and licensed.

All Icynene spray foam contractors are trained through a third-party QAP provider, Intertek, and complete comprehensive training and testing prior to being licensed by Icynene.

Tip #6.  Ask the installer about their experience, previous jobs and liability insurance.

An experienced, licensed installer will be able to answer any of your questions regarding their past experience, their guarantees and their insurance coverage.

Tip #7. Ensure there is a product warranty and know what it covers.

Icynene warrantees its insulation for the life of the building, and this warranty is transferable from one owner to the next. Check all your insulation alternatives – you probably won’t find such a comprehensive warranty from any other manufacturer.

Why Do Ice Dams Form?

ice dams

Winter comes with ice dams – chunks of ice that form on the edge of a roof. What causes them?

Ice dams develop when heat rising from an attic (32 degrees or higher) melts the snow outside. Water then trickles down to the eaves and gutter where temperatures are colder. There, the water refreezes creating icicles and trapping ice underneath the shingles. Additional melting water can seep through the roof and exterior walls.


Ice dams represent 40-50% of new insurance claims related to winter storms and can affect any improperly insulated building.

While Ice dams can be removed manually, it is dangerous work, even for professionals. The snow has to be shoveled from the roof and the ice removed with either heat, chemicals or by chipping.

You Can Decrease Your Utility Bills

utility bills

We all are looking for ways to go green and cut costs. How to decrease utility bills?

Of course it all depends on the condition of your house. Generally speaking, reducing air leakage by air sealing, insulating your home, and replacing or improving your heating systems can definitely help reducing your bills.

Gaps and cracks in your home’s traditional insulation can lead to air leaks that make your home an energy hog. Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) turns your home into an energy efficient and comfortable living space while helping you save money each month.

Did you know?

  • More than 40% of a home’s energy loss due to air leakage is through its walls, floors and roof. Eliminating air leaks with spray foam insulation can reduce monthly heating and cooling costs.
  • Upgrading HVAD to energy efficient systems can save you up to $200 on energy bills every year.
  • With a reduced load requirement, HVAC sizing can be reduced as much as 35% without the loss of efficiently and comfort.
  • High R-value spray foam insulation fills and seals gaps in walls, ceilings, crawlspaces, around detailing, light fixtures and electrical outlets.
  • Energy Star estimates that by adding high performance insulation and sealing air leaks, you could save up to 20% on monthly energy bills.
  • Government and utility tax credits, rebates and other incentives can save you even more.
  • The Appraisal Journal says energy efficient upgrades can increase home value by $20 for every $1 reduction annual utility bills.